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The Plan

Below are the practices I performed to heal my body and give it what it needed to thrive.

Tap through the menu below to see each section.

Boost the Immune System 

To defeat cancer, you must create a program to detoxify your body, strengthen your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself.

The immune system is what fights cancer. To have a fighting chance, you have to maximize your immune system and help it do its job rather than poisoning your immune system!  Medical studies support this idea, and so does common sense!


The immune system protects the body against illness and infection caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.


Natural Killer cells are white blood cells found in our lymphatic system.  These cells are uniquely designed to hunt cancerous cells and destroy them.  When it comes to the immune system, these cells are our first and best defense against cancer.

Support System

"Anyone who brings you joy and peace."

A support system is a must!


This includes God, family, friends, coworkers, support groups, books, online communication, etc. Anyone you can communicate with who offers a shoulder to cry on, or someone who helps keep you on track.


Surround yourself with those you love and those who are respectful of your choices and support you in your decisions. Suggestions are always welcome, but it is always up to you!

You should never be told that "you better do what the doctor says or you will die". When a doctors says "you only have three months to live," most people eventually accept that and die right on schedule!

Daily Life

Below is a list of things you can do in your daily life to fight cancer and thrive. It will take time to figure out what will work best for you and that you be able to stick with.

  • 20 minutes rebounder (mini-trampoline) daily. (Start with 10 minutes or whatever you can tolerate.)

  • 2-3 miles walk/run or more daily outside time when possible. Grounding or spending time barefoot on the earth is beneficial. Biking, swimming, snow shoveling, putting up hay, push mowing, are also good ways to get exercise.


  • 30-60 minutes weight lifting 2x per week.

  • Keep well hydrated so that there is only a slight color to urine and keep your bowels moving regularly. Drink 1/2oz. of water per pound of body weight per day.

  • 8-10 hours of sleep nightly and naps as needed. Make sure sleeping area is conducive for sleep.


  • Listen to your body and use your "cancer card" if needed so you don't feel guilty.

  • Experience fresh air - sit in a chair outside if you are too weak to walk out in the sunshine. If you live in a cloudy area and don't see much sun, invest in a light therapy light. Be outside as much as you can and keep windows open throughout your house day and night if possible. In colder or hotter areas, work your windows appropriately, if only in your bedroom for sleeping.

  • Avoid toxins in the air and environment especially in your home or work.


I started my new lifestyle with the "Grape Cure." I ate only grapes, raisins, and organic pure concord grape juice (RW Knudsen's, you can buy at Walmart or online) for 3 1\2 weeks. Grapes are the only food that dissolve toxins, eliminates them, and then rebuilds.

I eat a whole foods plant based vegan diet, sugar-free (small amounts of maple syrup, honey, or liquid stevia if needed), mostly wheat free, 80% raw with using only olive oil and coconut oil. No preservatives and organic if possible.

1 tbsp. each of Chaparral, Pau de Arco, Red Clover, Graviola, Sweet Wormwood teas with one cup of hot water/tbsp of tea every day. Can brew all at once or separately. Let steep for at least 10 minutes. Adding Peppermint tea makes the flavor more tolerable. (Most local health food stores carry these teas, or you can order at Amazon or call Country Life Store at 706-323-9194).

Hempanol oil super strength. 10 drops in 1 tsp olive oil daily. Hold under tongue

for 45 seconds.

Vitamins B12, C, D, and probiotic supplements daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 tbsp daily. I use Kavita-Turmeric and Ginger Tonic or

Meyer Lemon to mask the Apple Cider Vinegar taste somewhat. It is carbonated.

Aloe Vera, 2 tbsp daily.


Every 90 days: CRP (C-Reactive Protein), ESR (Erythrocyte sed rate), these measure inflammation.


Liver enzymes, CBC, and, Kidney function.

Every 6 months: Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3

After one year: CT scan

My one year CT scan showed no sign of any abnormalities! 


Scan in March of 2019 (2 1/2 yrs after diagnosis), and also June of 2021 (4 1/2 years after diagnosis) showed no evidence of disease recurrence or metastatic disease.

Navarro Medical clinic in the Philippines tests urine for cancer. I do this about every 6 months. My results show microscopic cancer cells left over from the surgery. I am not concerned about this.

Heat Treatments

Raising the body temperature kicks the immune system into high gear to fight. Sweating is healthy!

60 days after surgery, I practiced the following protocol:

  • Baths consist of 20 minutes in tub raising body temperature to 102-103 degrees and water temperature in tub of 108-109 degrees and no hotter than 110.

  • I use different essential oils or Epsom salts or both. Just add for variation and make baths more interesting. 

  • Immediately after bath or steam sauna do a 1-hour sweat in bed.


5 baths per week for three weeks then one week off. Repeat cycle for six months or more.

Then 5 baths per week for one week then three weeks off. Repeat cycle for six months or more.

You can also use a personal steam sauna to raise your temperature to 102-103 degrees.

30 minutes in an Infared Sauna at 140 degrees daily for 30 days, then 4 times per week.

"This treatment should never be done alone!"

Quiet Time

Quiet time and reflecting is key. Practice the following to induce relaxation while healing.

  • Reduce stress.

  • Meditation: whether it be morning, evening, both, or several times

      throughout the day.

  • Use this time to read the Bible, pray, listen to relaxing music, practice

      mindfulness, breath deeply, just clear your mind.

  • Start a gratitude journal and write daily, several times a day, or just

      whenever you feel like it.

  • Keep positive thoughts and have a desire to live for something



  • Have a purpose and feel like you accomplished something every day.

  • You must think about more than just not wanting to die. You must think about wanting to live!

  • Don't overdo anything in your life.


  • Keep a balance in your eating, resting, socializing, exercising, and everything else you do.

  • It's okay to have a breakdown every now and then. It reduces stress!

  • Mind and body connection are a large part of healing.

Carol's Final Thoughts

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, Fighting Cancer is NOT EASY!! But remember, you are literally fighting for your life.


You CAN do it. Do it for yourself, your family, and your God. 


To defeat cancer, you must create a program to detoxify your body, strengthen your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help the body heal itself.

The immune system is what fights cancer. To have a fighting chance, you have to maximize your immune system and help it do it's job-rather than poisoning your immune system! Medical studies support this idea, and so does common sense!

Do whatever it takes to live. Following the plan is hard, but you can do it with your support system cheering you on!

Think positive, forgive, and get rid of bitterness. Love yourself!

There is always hope! No matter how bad things get, it is always, always too soon to give up hope. (Paula Black)

There are many options for natural holistic healing. There are NO guarantees, but your odds increase if you follow the program you develop 100%.  There are many different things you can do to heal yourself.  What worked for me may not work for you.    


Daily Life
Immune System
Support System
Heat Treatment
Quiet Time


The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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