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Traditional treatments can weaken the immune system, hampering your body's ability to fight cancer naturally. Healthy Natural Killer cells are absolutely vital in your body's battle with disease!!

Causes of cancer include:

  • Your environment

  • Suppression of the immune system

  • Stress

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Your lifestyle

  • Your diet

Choices you make every day increase or decrease your odds of getting cancer - what you eat, where you live, faith, ability to forgive, level of healthy living.

The choices you make after a cancer diagnosis (traditional or natural health treatments) can impact your fight with cancer.

Peritoneal cancer is a rare cancer - it develops in a thin layer of tissue that lines the abdomen. This layer of tissue also covers the uterus, bladder, and rectum. It produces a fluid that helps organs move smoothly inside the abdomen.  Peritoneal cancer starts in the peritoneum, and hence is called primary peritoneal cancer.  The prognosis without any treatment is 8 weeks to 6 months depending on the stage and up to 2 years with chemotherapy. There is no proven treatment for this type of cancer. It is typically treated with the usual chemotherapy used for ovarian cancer and is not always effective.

During my research I found that while used to try to cure your disease, chemotherapy can trigger cellular changes that make you more vulnerable to secondary cancers.

I had a visit with a oncologist mainly to check out all my options before I decided for sure what I wanted to do.  I was told I needed to start chemotherapy right away, within 2 weeks after my surgery. Being a nurse I wasn't happy about that knowing how painful that would be to be vomiting so soon after surgery. There were no guarantees of course with the rare kind of cancer that I had. I chose not to do chemotherapy, I would rather take my chances with natural remedies.  When I asked about the side effects, I was told I would lose my hair and potentially develop neuropathy in my feet.

Decisions...should you follow doctor's orders and try chemotherapy? Should you put your faith in God and try natural healing options?

It is such a personal fight that I would never tell you what to do. Just remember that the choice is always yours.  No matter what doctors tell you.  No matter what your family tells you.  It is your life at stake--not theirs.

I made the decision to go all natural and not do any chemotherapy.  I am living, breathing proof that it worked for me.  I can't promise that what I chose will work for you.  But it might! And you have nothing to lose!

Tumors are a symptom that something is not right in your body.  The cause and not just the symptom, must be treated. The go-to traditional cancer modalities like chemotherapy are dangerous.  Even cancer doctors will tell you that.

These traditional therapies will leave your body a wasteland that can't even defend itself from the common cold much less cancer!

Alternative therapies, even if they fail, will not add to the problem or kill you.  Alternative therapies use the power of God's creation to fight cancer.

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